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搜尋參考資料: 1. www.thesims.com Create new Sims with big personalities and distinct appearances. Control the mind, body, and heart of your Sims and play with life in The Sims 4. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sims_2 Gameplay . From the neighborhood view, the player selects one lot to play, as in The Sims There are both residential and community lots, but Sims can only live in ...
the-sims-2.en.malavida.com The Sims 2 is a virtual reality game in which you have to create your own character in the form of a Sim and interact with a virtual society that runs parallel to ... thesims.i-circle.net/the-sims-2 模擬市民 2 共有 8 隻資料片及 10 隻組合包,均是建基於模擬市民 2 ... modthesims.info/browse.php Sims 2 Creation. Tutorials; Forum Overview; Building; Body Shop; Object Creation; Modding Discussion; Sims 2 Tools Forum; Programs & Utilities; Creator Forums ... |
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- Jul 01 Wed 2015 12:20
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